FDS Seminar Series
"Strategic Design to Improve Information Integrity"
Speaker: Yiling Chen (Harvard) Monday, April 15, 2024 4:00PM - 5:00PM

Speaker: Yiling Chen
Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science
John A. Paulson School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Harvard University
Monday, April 15, 2024
3:30 pm – Pre-talk meet and greet teatime (FDS Kitchen)
4:00 pm – Talk (FDS Seminar Room #1327)
at the Yale Institute for Foundations of Data Science, Kline Tower, 13th Floor
Virtual Link : (Zoom Meeting ID: 942 2381 6617)
Title: Strategic Design to Improve Information Integrity
Abstract: When information is generated, collected and spread by people, ensuring the integrity of information is critical for downstream use of the information. In this talk, I will discuss some of our efforts in improving information integrity through intentional design. I will mainly focus on a recent effort where we propose using information design as a tool for social media platforms to combat the spread of misinformation. As platforms can predict the popularity and misinformation states of to-be-shared posts, and users are motivated to only share popular content, platforms can strategically reveal this informational advantage to persuade users to not share misinformed content. We characterize the platform’s optimal information design scheme and resulting utility when platform has access to an imperfect classifier for predicting post states.
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