
FDS Colloquium: Song Mei (Berkeley), “Revisiting neural network approximation theory in the age of generative AI”

Optional Zoom link: Abstract: Textbooks on deep learning theory primarily perceive neural networks as universal function approximators. While this classical viewpoint is fundamental, it […]

FDS Colloquium: Josh Alman (Columbia), “Algorithms and Hardness for Kernel Density Estimation and Attention”

Webcast Link (via Zoom – starts at 12:00): “Algorithms and Hardness for Kernel Density Estimation and Attention” Abstract: This talk will focus on […]

Nicholas A. Christakis (Sociology) elected to National Academy of Sciences

Nicholas A. Christakis (Sociology) elected to National Academy of Sciences

Congratulations to FDS member Nicholas A. Christakis, MD, PhD, MPH, elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

FDS Colloquium: David Matteson (Cornell), “Drift vs Shift: Decoupling Trends and Changepoint Analysis”

Webcast Link (via Zoom – starts at 12:00): Abstract: We introduce a new approach for decoupling trends (drift) and changepoints (shifts) in time […]

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