statistical inference
FDS Colloquium: Houman Owhadi (Caltech), “Co-discovering graphical structure and functional relationships within data: A Gaussian Process framework for connecting the dots”
Abstract: Most scientific challenges can be framed into one of the following three levels of complexity of function approximation. Examples of Type 2 problems include […]
Workshop Honoring Andrew Barron: Forty Years at the Interplay of Information Theory, Probability and Statistical Learning (Day 3)
The Workshop Honoring Andrew Barron: “Forty Years at the Interplay of Information Theory, Probability and Statistical Learning” will take place from Friday, April 26 […]
Workshop Honoring Andrew Barron: Forty Years at the Interplay of Information Theory, Probability and Statistical Learning (Day 2)
The Workshop Honoring Andrew Barron: “Forty Years at the Interplay of Information Theory, Probability and Statistical Learning” will take place from Friday, April 26 […]
Workshop Honoring Andrew Barron: Forty Years at the Interplay of Information Theory, Probability and Statistical Learning
The Workshop Honoring Andrew Barron: “Forty Years at the Interplay of Information Theory, Probability and Statistical Learning” will take place from Friday, April 26 […]