
Yale Theory Student Seminar: Jane Shi (MIT)

This is a place for theory-minded people to gather for a weekly lunch seminar. This semester (spring 24), we (mostly) meet on Thursdays at […]

FDS Seminar: Aditi Laddha (GA Tech)

“High-Dimensional Markov Chains and Applications” Abstract: A Markov chain is a random process in which the next state is chosen according to some probability […]

FDS Seminar: Gaurav Mahajan (UCSD)

“Computational-Statistical Gaps in Reinforcement Learning” Speaker: Gaurav Mahajan (UCSD) Abstract: A fundamental assumption in theory of reinforcement learning is “RL with linear function approximation”. […]

FDS Seminar: Ming Yin (UCSB)

“Instance-Adaptive and Optimal Offline Reinforcement Learning” Speaker: Ming Yin (UCSB) Abstract: Reinforcement Learning is becoming the mainstay of sequential decision-making problems. In particular, offline […]

S&DS Seminar: Edward De Brouwer (KU Leuven)

“Predicting the impact of treatments over time with uncertainty aware neural differential equations” Speaker: Edward De Brouwer (KU Leuven) Talk Abstract: Predicting the impact […]

FDS Seminar: Alkis Kalavasis (National Technical University of Athens)

“Efficient Algorithms and Computational Barriers in Reliable Machine Learning” Speaker: Alkis KalavasisNational Technical University of Athens Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss the […]

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Asaf Etgar, “On Graphs and Geometry”

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Alkis Kalavasis, “Some Open Problems in TCS”

Abstract: “Overview of the things I am interested in (Machine Learning & Optimization)” Question 1 (TCS): Query Complexity of MaxCut and beyond. Question 2 […]

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Siyu Chen, “Training Dynamics of Multi–Head Softmax Attention for In–Context Learning: Emergence, Convergence, and Optimality”

This is a place for theory-minded people to gather for a weekly lunch seminar. This semester (spring 24), we (mostly) meet on Thursdays at […]

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Grigoris Velegkas, “Statistical Indistinguishability of Learning Algorithms”

If you are interested in joining the mailing list, please reach out to Marco Pirazzini ( or Siddharth Mitra ( Yale Theory Student Seminar […]

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Gaurav Mahajan, “Some Open Problems in TCS”

If you are interested in joining the mailing list, please reach out to Marco Pirazzini ( or Siddharth Mitra ( Yale Theory Student Seminar […]

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Geelon So (UCSD), “Optimization on Pareto sets: Geometry of Multi–objective Optimization”

This is a place for theory-minded people to gather for a weekly lunch seminar. This semester (spring 24), we (mostly) meet on Thursdays at […]

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Peiyuan Zhang, “The Minimax Theorem and Algorithms in Geodesic Metric Space”

If you are interested in joining the mailing list, please reach out to Marco Pirazzini ( or Siddharth Mitra ( Yale Theory Student Seminar […]

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Anay Mehrotra, “Selection with Implicit Bias: Evaluating the Efficacy of Interventions”

If you are interested in joining the mailing list, please reach out to Marco Pirazzini ( or Siddharth Mitra ( Yale Theory Student Seminar […]

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Felix Zhou, “Replicable Clustering”

If you are interested in joining the mailing list, please reach out to Marco Pirazzini ( or Siddharth Mitra ( Yale Theory Student Seminar […]

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Alkis Kalavasis, “Optimizing Solution–Samplers for Combinatorial Problems: The Landscape of Policy–Gradient Methods”

If you are interested in joining the mailing list, please reach out to Marco Pirazzini ( or Siddharth Mitra ( Yale Theory Student Seminar […]

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Binghui Peng (Columbia), “Memory–Query Tradeoffs for Randomized Convex Optimization”

If you are interested in joining the mailing list, please reach out to Marco Pirazzini ( or Siddharth Mitra ( Yale Theory Student Seminar […]

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Zihan Tan (DIMACS), “On (1 + eps)– Approximate Flow Sparsifiers

If you are interested in joining the mailing list, please reach out to Marco Pirazzini ( or Siddharth Mitra ( Yale Theory Student Seminar […]

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Tianhao Wang, “Algorithm Dynamics in Modern Statistical Learning: Universality and Implicit Bias”

If you are interested in joining the mailing list, please reach out to Marco Pirazzini ( or Siddharth Mitra ( Yale Theory Student Seminar […]

Yale Theory Student Seminar: Aditi Laddha, “Determinant Maximization via Local Search”

If you are interested in joining the mailing list, please reach out to Marco Pirazzini ( or Siddharth Mitra ( Yale Theory Student Seminar […]

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